This is what I wish the President said during the first debate when Mitt Romney said that he had no intention of cutting taxes for the rich and that some business regulations are necessary for the free market to function properly:

""Ah, Governor, this is your Etch-A-Sketch Moment.""

UPDATE (October 6, 2012): As Fareed Zakaria observes in this piece, Mitt Romney has been deftly shaking his Etch-A-Sketch – and not just during the debate. After presenting himself as a ""severe conservative"" to capture the Republican nomination, Romney is now portraying himself as a moderate. He's made this move deftly; and because his campaign was giving them a near-death experience, Republicans are not complaining. It's important that President Obama and Vice President Biden effectively call Romney out on the shift every chance they get. The challenge is to do this without helping to persuade indepedent voters that the real Romney is the moderate Romey, or assuring Republicans that the real Romney is the right-wing Romney. The message ought to be that the real Romney is a chameleon. That, after all, is what the evidence suggests.