I predicted that Rob Portman would be Romney’s running mate. Moreover, I said (here) that it was a prediction you could take to the bank.

Here’s what I said about Ryan: “It’s not going to be Paul Ryan because he’s too hard-right and is the author of a budget proposal that – notwithstanding Ryan's claims – is not truly about the deficit (or it would not include tax cuts) but about pursuing an extreme agenda of drastically shrinking the federal government. It’s bad enough Romney had to endorse Ryan’s budget proposal; he’s not going to tie himself tighter to the millstone of the Ryan budget and then jump into the sea.”

And so today – right here, right now – I am virtually eating my hat in cyberspace. (There was a time the word virtually meant something else.) Ugh. It tastes awful.

But I stubbornly stand by what I said about why Ryan would be a terrible choice for Romney. So now we will see who knows more about politics: Romney and his experienced political team, or me.